Many hobbies can be transformed into income opportunities in your spare time. Actually, the time that you spend enjoying your hobby can bring you fun plus money. After all, when you enjoy your hobby, the "work" is fun. Here are ways to make money and enjoy your hobby at the same time.
CASH IN ON THE GOLF BOOM. All ages and both sexes like golf. You need to know how to play golf. Actually, you don't have to be good at it--you have to know all the rules and regulations and the techniques of golf... then you can teach golf for a profit. Offer to teach golf at a small fee per lesson. Tell friends that you will go with them on a golf course (they pay your admission and greens fee) and teach them golf at a rate that is less than what a golf teacher would charge. Since you are a friend, there is a feeling of informality and learning is easier.
Take a group of people for a class. (You might charge less for an entire group.) Spend one day on the golf course with them. Show each person how to use the proper clubs, how to hit the golf ball, how to tally scores. Maintain a feeling of casual friendliness and you will be much in demand by students who prefer you to a commercialized teacher.
Golf In Your Home. Convert a basement, any recreation room, a garage for this income opportunity, it helps to have a green carpet on the floor. You can set up a small golf course right in this room. Teach golf in this room. Charge a small fee, per session, per student. No other expenses. You will have to provide a set of golf clubs but since this is your hobby, you have them already. Schedule three or four lessons per week. You can make a nice steady income by teaching your hobby, without ever having to leave your home.
I seem to be having a problem with adsense, the deal was they pay me for allowing them to post ads on my blog. When I reached $101.00, they were to pay, for some reason they have cut off all communication. My apologies to my on-line friends on google buzz for not being able to reach them. Hopefully they will look for this information and all the other information on my other blogs. And maybe this matter will be cleared up soon. Last week I did send Adsense a bill for services renendered. Linda G..,,,
Many hobbies can be transformed into income opportunities in your spare time. Actually, the time that you spend enjoying your hobby can bring you fun plus money. After all, when you enjoy your hobby, the "work" is fun. Here are ways to make money and enjoy your hobby at the same time.
CASH IN ON THE GOLF BOOM. All ages and both sexes like golf. You need to know how to play golf. Actually, you don't have to be good at it--you have to know all the rules and regulations and the techniques of golf... then you can teach golf for a profit. Offer to teach golf at a small fee per lesson. Tell friends that you will go with them on a golf course (they pay your admission and greens fee) and teach them golf at a rate that is less than what a golf teacher would charge. Since you are a friend, there is a feeling of informality and learning is easier.
Take a group of people for a class. (You might charge less for an entire group.) Spend one day on the golf course with them. Show each person how to use the proper clubs, how to hit the golf ball, how to tally scores. Maintain a feeling of casual friendliness and you will be much in demand by students who prefer you to a commercialized teacher.
Golf In Your Home. Convert a basement, any recreation room, a garage for this income opportunity, it helps to have a green carpet on the floor. You can set up a small golf course right in this room. Teach golf in this room. Charge a small fee, per session, per student. No other expenses. You will have to provide a set of golf clubs but since this is your hobby, you have them already. Schedule three or four lessons per week. You can make a nice steady income by teaching your hobby, without ever having to leave your home.
I seem to be having a problem with adsense, the deal was they pay me for allowing them to post ads on my blog. When I reached $101.00, they were to pay, for some reason they have cut off all communication. My apologies to my on-line friends on google buzz for not being able to reach them. Hopefully they will look for this information and all the other information on my other blogs. And maybe this matter will be cleared up soon. Last week I did send Adsense a bill for services renendered. Linda G..,,,