Tell me about yourself. Share your childhood memories. Share what ever you feel comfortable sharing. Feel like a joke, I know I'd enjoy one, know any you'd like to share? Any way I am Linda G.. glad to meet you.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sticks 7
I've been outside working on the cedar sticks,canes, walking sticks and staffs most of this beautiful day. Setting out side in the sun soaking in natural vitamin d is for me! I hope it is for you to. Belle came outside and laid beside me as I worked. Belle has always made me feel safe. Do you have a pet that makes you feel safe? do you take your pet places with you? Do you go camping? camping in ones back yard is an adventure, it gives you a different perspective about where you live. There is something about my back yard at night when the lights in other peoples homes goes out. Where do you go camping? if not in your yard, where do you enjoy camping and why? Is it because of the restroom are close to you or that you can get up and go hiking in the woods? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Linda G..