Friday, February 25, 2011

How to make home made Deep Hair Conditioner(s)

                                                   Tropical Hair Conditioner
1 avacado
1 can coconut milk
Mash avacado and add enough coconut milk to make thick like commercial conditioners.  Apply and allow to set 15 to 20 minutes, rinse well.

                                                    Deep Hair Conditioner
1/2 avacado
mash avacado, mix enough mayo. to make creamy like commercial hair conditioners. Apply to hair, wrap hair with plastic wrap and then a warm towel, leave on for 30 minutes. Wash hair twice to remove.  

Truth in Thinking: For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out

Truth in Thinking: For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out: "Tropical Conditioner and Deep Hair Conditioner. "

For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out

Tropical Conditioner and Deep Hair Conditioner. 

DIY Natural Home Made Hair Conditioners- Try all 3-Really Good FYH.

                                                                     Green Tea
  2 green tea bags                
  2 cups water

    Boil water, put in tea bags.  Allow to steep and cool, remove tea bags, pour mixture onto hair allow to sit 5 minutes.

                                                             Honey Conditioner

Mix equal parts of honey and water. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

                                                            Banana and Honey

1 ripe banana
1/2 cup honey
mash banana well, add honey mix well apply to damp hair, allow to set 20 minutes, rinse in warm water.

                                                              Egg Conditioner

1 avacado
1 egg yolk
mash avacado until creamy. Mix in egg yolk. Allow to sit on hair 15 minutes, rinse well.

** Tip:  After you wash your hair, pour Apple Cider Vinegar over it. Allow to sit a few minutes and rinse out.  This helps to bring out the shine in your hair.  

Truth in Thinking: Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipe...

Truth in Thinking: Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipe...: " Did yoy know that Green Tea makes an excellant hair conditioner? I have that recipe and 2 others PLUS a Tip. Just for YOU! You ..."

Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipes-NOW!

  Did yoy know that Green Tea makes an excellant hair conditioner?  I have that recipe and 2 others PLUS a Tip. Just for YOU! You probably have the ingredients in your home now.