Saturday, February 19, 2011

Make your own homemade toothpaste and/or Mouth wash

Why put all of those chemicals into your body? Until science finds out what causes Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinsons, Huntinton's and other Dementia Diseases make your own stuff.  You probably have the ingredients in your pantry right now.

1)  There are many different kinds of abrasives that can be used.  Calcium Carbonate, finely ground pumice, bicarbonate of soda, and finely ground salt are all forms of abrasives that can be used in a toothpaste.  It is very important to note that abrasives should be as finely ground as posible before using.  Harsh abrasives can scratch and damage tooth enamel and should be avoided.

2)  Sage Toothpaste:

      1/4 cup finely ground sea salt
      1/2 cup bicarconate of soda
      1    tablespoon dried sage leaves, ground fine
      10  drops tincture of myrth or spearmint
   Mix all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl.  Add one drop of tincture at a time, stirring to prevent any caking.  Store your powder in an air-tight container.

3)  Cinnamon Tooth powder

       1 cup bicarbonate of soda
       2  tablespoons ground sea salt
       1  tablespoon dried lemon peel, ground until powdered.
       1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    Mix all of your ingredients until blended thoroughly.  Store in air tight container.      

Truth in Thinking: You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or ...

Truth in Thinking: You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or ...: "Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste contains anti-freeze? according to PBS. But now you can break free of the High prices of to..."

You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or Mouth wash

Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste contains anti-freeze? according to PBS.  But now you can break free of the High prices of  toothpaste and/or mouth wash.  For ingredients and instructions on making your own join me at   Linda G.  P.S. I would like to know what you are thinking, contact me at