Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30th, 2016; wednesday; 11:12P.M.; 65 degrees outside; 76 degrees in here; central Va..

oh what a very nice day it has been. Today I got a ride and went into town, loaded up with food
I don't like to thought of getting low on anything and there be a storm on its way.  I buy stuff just so I feel assured that I will not run out. I have 10 cans of anything in there and still buy another one. It must be a phobia? what does it sound like to you?
     When I got back from town today my tv had recorded survivorman and moonshiners, Primal Survivor, I really like these shows plus duel survivor, Life below zero, I really enjoy all those types of shows. What shows do you enjoy?? I can hear them now that I have a working hearing aid.
     Yesterday I stood outside along my properity line and I thought what it would really be like just to take off with a pair of hiking boots, or mountain boots? I need to talk to someone that knows boots/shoes. What would it be like just to go? not to let anything or anyone stop me just go?
     Could you do that? Right now it's raining, where do you think you would be sleeping tonight?
It's 11:25P.M. right now, dark was hours ago. Would you have prepared? Food?, water, extra clothes? Here's a big one a pot or pan to cook in.
     What about your age? Does it matter to you how old you are out there? at what age is too old to be thinking about things like that?
     I think I'll go lay down and think about this. Who knows one day I may just keep right on going.
Do you think you could do such a thing? Tell me your thoughts.
Sincerely, Linda G..

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28th, 2016; Monday; 52degrees; 2:20P.M.; 74degrees in my bedroom..

     Weather channel has been calling for rain what seems like forever. They claim it will hang around for 3 days.  Rainy days are ok with me as long as I don't need to go out in that mess.
I laid in bed until 11:A.M. today. Normally I'm up much earlier, don't know why I have been wanting to sleep so long, for days now. Really I do now or at least I think I know but I'm not ready to share it. Maybe my new hearing aids will come in today or get here soon. This one is ok, the battery does go dead sooner than I'd expect it to. But at least it works and I can hear.
     Bell just came in. I mopped a bathroom floor. Need to go write Myrt. and Bill a letter. They are wonderful people live up in Minnesota, I'm proud to call them my aunt and uncle, my dads side. My Dad has a lot of Good family up north. North is nice especially in summer, I prefer south, the north was very good to me when I was up there a couple months ago, CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of America).
     So far I've had a bowl of rice cereal and a glass of whey to eat. I feel good! I do need to go into town to buy myself food.
     I have one of those colorama colored pencils with a book set. I did happen to pick it up last evening for a short period of time it was fun. Perhaps I'll do it again sometime.
     Right now I'm sewing, working on a quilt and a messenger bag, I'm making it from scratch and decorating it along the way. It'll be really nice. Maybe Lisa would like to make herself one or have this one.
I'm going for now.
It would be nice to hear from you (No pun intended).
Linda G..

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23rd, 2016; wednesday; 7:15P.M.; 42 degrees outside; 74 inside; Central, Virginia

Hello all, and I'm hoping you are having a nice holiday season. Tomorrow is Thanks Giving.
     One of the hearing aides we (I) ordered came today. Guess what??? IT WORKS! I'm so happy! I have been in a silent world for some months now. The last time I was able to hear was when I went to talk to some lady around here she said she works for the city/state in helping people get hearing devices. Thank you God I no longer need nr want help from them. Actually I never did I just did not know where else to go.
     This one is just fine so far! We had turkey, nuns puffs, mashed potatoes and stuffing so far that's all I have cooked. I'm cooking the skins off sweet potatoes now for sweet potato pies later.
how are you? my good on-line friends? Are you in good health? how's your job? your family? your friends? I'd like hearing from you. just send me email at my address.
The weather here (to me) is lovely. I'm absorbing it all over.  My dog Belle is laying out in the yard soaking up vitamin D. Won't be long before winter gets here, but then spring will be here to.
     I received a letter from one of my aunts, lives up in Minnesota, she really likes the holidays she goes all out. Do you have family members like that? Are they THE BEST! They have to be the best family there ever could be. Always happy (t seems) always planning for the next holiday. How everything has to be just so. She is baking 5 pies this year because everyone brings pies etc..
I'm am grateful for those family members. Well, I'm grateful for all of them.
    I have a aunt and uncle that have to be 95years each. They are the ones I'll miss the most.
I am so grateful that this hearing aid works!
Anyway I do hope to hear from you.    Your online friend Linda G..   

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10th, 2016; thursday;10:17P.M.;23901

" cook wear? Oh well, now we are equal, I know who the election and so do you.
It was a good day, even though I've been having off days for a while now.
     I was sick almost all night. Rickey came in here about, not sure. Upon awaking this morning I started vomiting, not a lot but enough.
I asked him today if he will help me fix my big camper up. It doesn't need t lost of work but I'd like to get it so I can live in it. Even if I don't take it off driving any where.
So how did Trump do as a president? Do you know why the put the letter "I" in the middle of the word president  very good day.t? It because the office needs some spice.  Ha Ha=Just a silly joke.
     Tomorrow will be. I've been thinking serious for a few days ago or so now. If I can't get out of this rats nest and in to my camper. You know somewhere nice, clean, warm in the winter and cool in the heat. You know it may sound like I've lost my mind and some may think I have  But I have half a mind to walk right out that back door and keep going. I get where I'm  going. I am HEALTHY, I am HAPPY, I am STRONG Physically and mentally, I am wealthy, I am strong, I enjoy smiling at people and people enjoy smiling me all the time. At least I did while I was at CTCA. I was happy there. What happened? I was able to read, write, enjoy just being. I enjoyed walking around and do a little shopping here and there even thought it wasn't very expensive stuff. Just walking out the back door and head straight to the woods. There's nothing back there except dirt and knocked over trees. It would be fun just to see what's back there. Who knows, maybe a pile of rocks or an old watering hole. Maybe the perfect place to pitch a tent? I'd be will to bet rabbits are back there. Snakes should be in by now due to 2 mornings of frost down into the 40- 50's. I'd like to put some heavy shoes on and head on back there. I always have wondered what's back there. A lot of land back there I can say that much. I can tell you this it starts over here on our right facing the back of the land, there some where back there if turns off to the left. I've seen it go around the peoples homes, the trees are knocked down, shaved right off naked off to the earth. Then turn around facing the left there are more trees all gone but a much larger patch. It goes around the house (s) it just totally wiped down every thing. In a much, much larger area. I'd like to head on back there and check it all out to.. Seems like the U.S. never learns, I know you don't remember the dust bowl I think it was in the 1920 or 1930's I'm not sure.    I would like to know why they are tearing up these lovely trees?
Then would I plan on a camp site? Would I plan on staying the evening, watching the starts?  Didn't I plan on anything: food, water, blankets, do I cook, did I decide on the tent or not? Such a lot of small decisions. But seems that I made my decision when I decided to walk out the back door not drive the van. The van may have been smarter. I would have had a bed, heat, hopefully gas ac if its warm out there. I would have radio, extra lucky a tv. lights after dark. A way to stay out of rain, snow, sun. I'm thinking of all the things, You know Pros and Cons. A van (Vehicle) could save us from wild animals.
     Sounds like we have a good bit a ground covered.  I am a Healthy, happy, healthy, happy, wealthy, wealthy, (I know I'm messing around doubling everything.) God is so good to me! God has always been so good to me.
I   am going to go lay down now.
With all of my positive thought and prayers. I love you!!!! Love Linda

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4th, 2016; Friday; 2:35A.M.;59degrees outside;79degrees in my bedroom; Central Virginia some wheres.

I am really LOVING this long summer weather. It wouldn't bother me if it lasted all fall and through the winter.
      Well, I went to CTCA ( Cancer Treatment Centers of America). I was up there for 1 week the first time then 7 weeks the second time.
It is a beautiful place and its full of beautiful people that well, some work there some are patients there. I made friends in every section of the hospital.
      Honestly while I was there the radiation (Everyday) I had treatments but the Chemotherapy I had 3 treatments. The only days I didn't get a radiation treatment was on weekends and I was up there Labor Day, thy were closed. The cafeteria was open nearly all the time.
I must admit the CTCA try to keep the place up-beat every Friday they have keroke, anyone welcomed and once a  week there is a singer in the dining area- normally on Friday evening about 7P.M... Yes, the karoke was there faithfully Fridays at 1P.M..
     Those times I miss for sure! I enjoyed going on over to CTCA and just being there with the people. Some of them I'd see a lot others they just seem to come and go. The first time I (we) was there Rickey went with me we went by plane. American Airlines.
May I be allowed to say this one thing...I don't like flying! I do not like it! Not one thing about flying did I enjoy! From the time I arrived at the airport to the time I got off the airport in the up-coming state.. I dis-liked, very strongly! I hope never to have to fly again.
     The hotels I stayed in were nice. I liked all the people I met. I can honestly say that I really Like (with a capital) "L" Like the people up North! most of the people I met up north are beautiful, wonderful people!
      When Rickey and I were up there the first time to visit the CTCA campus We stayed (Free) in Hotel Guest Quarters North. It was nice. I really enjoyed it because it was so clean, the people very friendly.
      This past time (my second visit) I was up there alone. I didn't mind it was nice, I thought. I was residing in Hotel Guest Quarters West. I was there for 1 month I think. Then for some reason everyone in the hotel was asked to move to one of their other hotels. I was offered my choice between 3 other hotels. All of them lovely and very clean. Wish I could have visited the 2 newest hotels they are now using.
I fell in love with this town and the people there. No Joke! It is a town like you'd see in a movie. Like a Disney, or made of Disney movie. So many parks. I've never seen so many parks in one town in my life. Honestly I have thought about moving there to live.  I'd like to buy a small piece of land 1 or 2 acres, just big enough for me a horse or 2, a small garden, and a dog. I'll move my camper up there get someone here to fix it or help me to fix it up.
That will give me shelter. Maybe I can find someone (I can pay) to drive me and the camper up there and park in on my new bought land.
     I guess you are wondering which small town I am refereeing to? Ok if you really want to know, Zion.  Zion, Illinois 60099. See I like the place so much I even remembered the zip code.
     I still believe Farmville and surrounding areas to the best weather us on down to Florida.
     I apologize to all the people at CTCA. Radiation took my hearing and my vocal cords. I am working on buying a hearing aid now. November 14th, 2016 at 9A.M. I have an app. with a hearing aid doctor. I've never had anything like this before, so maybe they will be kind and gentle. When I was a little kid I got a staple in one of my fingers and every since then my jaws want to try to act-up on me. But I stop it by working with it. Seems like satan has been trying to put an end to my days every since I was a small child.
It's a long night. I'd like to get some sewing or something under my belt for one morning.
     Thank you to everyone at CTCA in Zion, Illinois 60099. Thank you for everything you did to help me while I was there. Many people there went out of their way to help me. I'm serious. I owe them all a special "Thank You!"
     I hope to see you all on my next visit trip for a check up.
            I want to say thanks,
                     Linda G..