Monday, April 25, 2011


Truth in Thinking: MONEY MAKING HINTS, IDEAS, OPPORTUNITIES: " Here is a grab bag of ideas that can earn you steady money. Remember, the amount you earn depends upon the amount of time you invest. S..."


     Here is a grab bag of ideas that can earn you steady money. Remember, the amount you earn depends upon the amount of time you invest. Some of these hints require very little time, others call for more use of time. There is something for everyone in this grab bag. yourself!

     ADDRESSING SERVICE. You'll require a typewriter. Contact merchants, mailing list houses, businesses. Offer to type names and addresses on envelopes, stickers or whatever they desire. Charge a small sum per name. You can arrange to have work delivered and picked up at your home or charge a fee for pick up and delivery.

     SELL ORIGINAL ART. There is a difference! An original painting can command a higher price because there is no other like it. Contact artists (amatures are okay) and offer to sell their works to customers on a split-fee basis. You'll find customers through advertising or even posters. Once you get the "feel" of the business, you can organize art shows.

     CLEANING SERVICE. Offer to clean up someone's cellar or attic. But--there's an angle here. Agree to cart away their "junk" which can be a source of profit for you. Backdate magazines, old, discarded clothes, paraphernalia, even furniture, can be profitable if you sell them to antique dealers and decorators. Make this arrangement in advance. They'll even have a station wagon or truck pick up these items. Be sure to tag everything and keep a list. Then make a deal with the antique dealer. You will also get paid by the home owner for the so-called "cleaning service."

     CERAMICS. This is an art and handcraft hobby. You may have to learn in a small class how to fire a kiln and make pretty ceramics from all sorts of molds. Once you learn, this craft can become an income opportunity. Hold classes in a spare room in your home, teaching others how to make ceramics. Sell some of your own ceramics at a satisfactory price. A kiln manufacturer can take orders from students and you receive a commission.

     NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE. Businesses, professional people, public relations and advertising companies often will need a clipping service. They tell you the names or facts they need. They give you the subjects, and you read a set of papers and magazines and clip out relevant items. Charge a flat monthly fee rather than per clipping.,,

I SEW Quilts and ESSENTIALS. Contact: Linda G. at

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Truth in Thinking: FOR PROFIT...? IT'S WORKS!

Truth in Thinking: FOR PROFIT...? IT'S WORKS!: " STAMP COLLECTING FOR PROFIT. If you have any kind of stamp collection, contact others. List your stamps and offer to sell for a slight ..."


     STAMP COLLECTING FOR PROFIT. If you have any kind of stamp collection, contact others. List your stamps and offer to sell for a slight profit. Many stamp collecting magazines (read them at your local library) contain ads or listings of other people with the same hobby.

     BECOME A STAMP SCOUT. Ask other stamp hobbyist about their special wants. Try to find them in local stamp shops or among advertisements in various trade magazines. When you find the wanted stamps, ask your customer for the payment with a markup for your time. Purchase the stamps and your customer can pick them up.
     Give a stamp talk and demonstration at home. Obtain information from various stamp hobby books. Talk on a specific type of stamp (floral, topical, patriotic, etc.) and then display your stamps. It's a good money making idea to have an assortment of stamps available on the topic you discuss. Offer these stamps for sale.

     COIN COLLECTING FOR PROFIT. With so many new nations coming into being, there are new coins always available. Old currencies are discarded and may prove to be valuable at a later date. You can't lose in coin collecting since the coins, themselves, have a basic value. They may not rise a value, but you can always sell them for what you paid, plus a little profit. Here's how to add income from coin collecting.

     Exchange or sell your coins with other collectors. Find them listed or advertised in coin magazines available free at your local library. Get special sets or series and then offer them for sale. This will bring more profit than individual coins.

     Become a coin scout. Ask other coin hobbyist about their special needs and then look through stores and magazines. When you locate them, sell at a profit.,,,,

I SEW FOR YOU contact Linda G. at

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Truth in Thinking: OVER 100 WAYS YOU CAN MAKE MONEY, MOST FROM YOUR H...: "Visit CASHING IN ON THE HI-FI HOBBY. You will need some expertise in knowing how to put hi-fi comp..."



     CASHING IN ON THE HI-FI HOBBY. You will need some expertise in knowing how to put hi-fi components together. Many instruction booklets show you how to do this. Arrange to set up a hi-fi unit for your customers. You begin by asking your customer for a budget. Once you have this, you can outline a plan. Arrange to buy equipment at a discount. Help in installation. You may want to charge a small fee for consultation.

ONE DAY CONSULTANT. Many hi-fi owners want to know just what thay can do to get more pleasure out of their sets. Act as a one day consultant. For the entire day, remain in their home and then blueprint everything on paper. Offer lists of suggestions on how they can get more enjoyment out of their existing sets. Suggest rearrangements.

     You will need to know the basics about sound transmissions, feedback, speakers, etc.. But if hi-fi listening is your hobby, you can use your knowledge as a consultant.

HOW TO TAKE PICTURES FOR FUN AND PROFIT. Photography is a popular hobby. Nearly everyone likes to have his/her picture taken. If you can take good pictures and if you know hot to develope them, you can earn a steady income with this hobby.

     MONEY-MAKING IDEAS. Offer your services as a photographer to caterers, religious outlets, meeting halls, fraternal groups, trade associates, convention halls, etc.. Any special gathering means pictures can be taken for a profit. These include weddings, parties, celebrations or any such situation that should be recorded on film. You may add profit to your hobby by offering frames.

     MAKE HOUSE CALLS AS A PHOTOGRAPHER. Take photographs of youngsters (always a sure money making deal) only with parents permission-they hire you, or any other special occasion. Or else have people come to your home. Furnish one room with all kinds of interesting backgrounds such as draperies, floor screens, some antique-looking furniture, wall decorations that will make an ordinary person look colorful. This " home studio" means you will have customers come to you. And you can charge a little extra   (as a hidden fee) because of your background furnishings.      ,,,,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Truth in Thinking: INCOME OPPORTUNITY FOR SURFERS AND MINIATURE ANTIQ...: " Income Opportunity for Surfers. Every part of the country with an available surf-pounding ocean or body of water has its attraction for ..."


    Income Opportunity for Surfers. Every part of the country with an available surf-pounding ocean or body of water has its attraction for surfing. If you can surf, you can earn income with these ideas.

     SURFBOARD DEMONSTRATIONS. Place signs in the windows of local surfboard suppliers that you are available to teach this hobby to new-comers. The supplier can be paid with a commission or agree to rent his equipment.

     Charge a flat fee per day for each student. Show how to mount a board, how to stay afloat, how to come back to shore and how to alight. Again, the informality of it all will appeal to your type of customer.

     SURFBOARD SCHOOL. Set up a school in the sense that you gather together a set of students who have some skill but require more "on the water" practice. Take them right out on the water. Call out suggestions, make improvements, tell them about errors, just as any teacher would do in any class, except that this is a "classroom" on the ocean. It's the enjoyable way to go surfboarding...for profit.

     ANTIQUE CAR MINIATURES. This hobby is also on the increase. With new models coming out all of the time, from all parts of the world, antique car miniatures are very popular. Here's how you can make money with this fast-growing hobby.

     HOME SHOW. If you have such antique car miniatures in your home, put all of them on a large table or several tables. You'll need at least 50 or 100 to make it interesting. Beneath each one, place a slip of paper containing specific information, facts, legends, etc..., about the car. Hold a home show. They are popular. Charge a couple dollars admission.
     Give your customers their money's worth by delivering an informal lecture on antique car miniatures. You can even read this from any book on the subject. Remember what I have told you before, purchase out of print books-cheap- sell them for profit (on this subject). Show slide films or motion pictures (available on rental for a modest fee or none at all except postage from many large auto manufacturers or many local libraries). This creates a good atmosphere for your customers.

     SELL ANTIQUES. Many antique car hobbyists will want to have some special models for a collection. Agree to act as a scout for them. Look around antique shops or stores that sell such items. Read hobby magazines (available at your local library) that carry listings of such miniatures available for sale. Charge a reasonable markup to your customers. This is a fun-filled hobby that can give you an extra income in a little time. You could also buy up many antique car miniatures and then offer to sell all that are on display for a profit.,,,

I SEW FOR YOU.  Contact Linda G. at     

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Use Your Skill To Make Money

Truth in Thinking: Use Your Skill To Make Money: " SKIN AND/OR SCUBA DIVING. Many people can do this type of recreation. If you have this skill, you can cash in on the treasures from the..."

Use Your Skill To Make Money

     SKIN AND/OR SCUBA DIVING. Many people can do this type of recreation. If you have this skill, you can cash in on the treasures from the deep sea. Here are some income opportunities from skin and/or scuba diving.

     INDOOR LESSONS. You never have to leave your home for this. All you need is a black-board. You outline lessons on how to dive into the sea. Wear an outfit while you instruct your money-paying customers. You can do this in any spare room, basement or garage.

Pass out backdate periodicals on this subject (available for a few pennies per copy at many backdate magazine stores). A course can run for 10 to 15 lessons, starting from scratch and then ending with a simulated dive into the sea...on blackboard. NOTE: Scuba diving manufacturers will often give you free motion picture films (you pay postage charges) that you can show to your students. You'll need a projector and screen, though. It does add value to your course.

     OUTDOOR LESSONS. Contact local skin diving equipment stores and ask if you can post signs in their windows for diving instruction. If the storekeeper suggests it, give him/her a slight commission per student. You'll rent his/her boat and any equipment he or she has and this gives him/her profit. Take your customers out onto the open waters and give a demonstration. As your students progress, you can take them into the water with you.

     TREASURE DIVING. In your library, read up on books about deep sea treasures. Ask the librarian for books with a local background. If treasures (legendary or not) are to be found in your local waters, then set up a treasure diving trip. Your guests will need to be skilled in diving.

     Rent a boat and charge accordingly so you make a profit. If your guests do not own diving suits, ask the boatyard owner (provided he/she rents or sells such outfits) if they will let you have the free use of a boat, in return for which you will bring them a goodly amount of customers who will either rent or buy the outfits. This is a profit-making barter method. Deep sea treasure diving is fun and it is profitable, too.,,,

I SEW for You! If you need repairs or want anything sewn new. Contact Linda G. at

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Make Your Assets Work For You

Truth in Thinking: Make Your Assets Work For You: "INCOME FROM BOAT RIDES. Owning a boat is a big hobby for some fifty plus million people. With longer weekends and the desire to get away fro..."

Make Your Assets Work For You

INCOME FROM BOAT RIDES. Owning a boat is a big hobby for some fifty plus million people. With longer weekends and the desire to get away from it all, a few days on the water is very refreshing. It is different from conventional lake and sea resorts which are crowded and expensive.

     TEACH BOATING. If your hobby is boating, you may earn extra income by teaching it to students. Charge per lesson or a flat fee for a weekend or as long as agreed upon. Your guests will join you in the pilot room where you show them how to maneuver the boat. You'll have fun while you earn income.

WEEKEND CRUISE. Boatyards will often rent a vessel but offer no other services. This is where you come in. Basically, you fill the need. Contact various boatyards and tell the owners that you will offer to act as a pilot for a boat rented by any family. Agree to pay a slight commission to the owner.

     Some owners will not even expect any commission since it means they can rent more vessels if you pilot them. Charge a fee per day or weekend or as long as it is possible. If meals have to be prepared, add this to your charges.

I do all types of sewing 4u in my home. Contact Linda G. at!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Money

Truth in Thinking: Money: "Summer is almost here and I sew Summer clothes for children and you. Clothes are so expensive so why not take advantage of a good..."


Summer is almost here and I sew Summer clothes for children and you.  Clothes are so expensive so why not take advantage of a good seamstress that works from home, the cost of your childs shorts, pants, dresses, and skirts etc., can be dramatically reduced. Please contact Linda G. at we can work something out that works for you and me.

     I hope you are enjoying my series on Make Money From Home. There is no need to let our economy get us down.

      I also do research for you. 

Truth in Thinking: How Your Hobbies Can Help You Earn Extra Cash

Truth in Thinking: How Your Hobbies Can Help You Earn Extra Cash: " HOW YOUR HOBBIES CAN HELP YOU EARN EXTRA CA..."

How Your Hobbies Can Help You Earn Extra Cash


     Many hobbies can be transformed into income opportunities in your spare time. Actually, the time that you spend enjoying your hobby can bring you fun plus money. After all, when you enjoy your hobby, the "work" is fun. Here are ways to make money and enjoy your hobby at the same time.

     CASH IN ON THE GOLF BOOM. All ages and both sexes like golf. You need to know how to play golf. Actually, you don't have to be good at it--you have to know all the rules and regulations and the techniques of golf... then you can teach golf for a profit. Offer to teach golf at a small fee per lesson. Tell friends that you will go with them on a golf course (they pay your admission and greens fee) and teach them golf at a rate that is less than what a golf teacher would charge. Since you are a friend, there is a feeling of informality and learning is easier.

     Take a group of people for a class. (You might charge less for an entire group.)  Spend one day on the golf course with them. Show each person how to use the proper clubs, how to hit the golf ball, how to tally scores.  Maintain a feeling of casual friendliness and you will be much in demand by students who prefer you to a commercialized teacher.

     Golf In Your Home.  Convert a basement, any recreation room, a garage for this income opportunity, it helps to have a green carpet on the floor.  You can set up a small golf course right in this room.  Teach golf in this room.  Charge a small fee, per session, per student.  No other expenses.  You will have to provide a set of golf clubs but since this is your hobby, you have them already.  Schedule three or four lessons per week.  You can make a nice steady income by teaching your hobby, without ever having to leave your home.

I seem to be having a problem with adsense, the deal was they pay me for allowing them to post ads on my blog. When I reached $101.00, they were to pay, for some reason they have cut off all communication. My apologies to my on-line friends on google buzz for not being able to reach them. Hopefully they will look for this information and all the other information on my other blogs. And maybe this matter will be cleared up soon. Last week I did send Adsense a bill for services renendered. Linda G..,,,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Make Money Everyday From Home

     NOTARY PUBLIC.  Ask your county clerk about taking a simple test to get your licends. Tell local businesses and others that you are available one day per week and will make house calls. You can work about eight hours (it's easy when you just witness signatures and use a rubber stamp or seal) and collect a tidy sum of money at the end of the day.

     SHOPPING SERVICE. Many people want someone to scout the stores and pick up items they lack the time to search for. Offer to do it for them. Try to arrange it so you spend one day buying what your customers want. Get the money in advance lest they change their minds and you're stuck with something you don't want.

     DANCE MASTER. There's still demand for gentle, soft dancing. Many people don't know how or else they would like to brush up on their footwork. If you are good at dancing then convert a garage, basement, or a spare room into a dance class. Teach them how to dance properly. Use recorded music as your background.
     Mingle between the couples and make suggestions on how to improve. Just one day a month can bring you a nice income for a fun job.

     SEWING. While you may want to use a sewing machine for more involved items, you can use needle and thread just one day a week or month for good income. Spread the word that you do specialty sewing such as buttons, zippers, rips, and tears, seams, etc.. on one day a week. People like this personalized service. It's a lot cheaper than a valet service or professional tailor. Schedule all your sewing assignments during that one particular day.

     You need ambition, a desire to help others and you can earn a nice income during your spare time. Basically, you need to find what others want and give it to them!,,,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Truth in Thinking: 30 Days of Big Profits

Truth in Thinking: 30 Days of Big Profits: " AUCTIONEERING. You may need a license for this income opportunity so query your local county clerk. Start out by vi..."

30 Days of Big Profits

     AUCTIONEERING. You may need a license for this income opportunity so query your local county clerk. Start out by visiting auction sites to see how it is handled. Most auctions run for one day so you work during that time span at one spot, calling for bids, setting sales. You're free the rest of the week or month or until you want to work on another assignment.

     Ask auction houses for this work. See ads from auction galleries, contact them for work. You need no equipment for this one, just a good clear voice. Payment is either a flat fee or a commission arrangement. Because merchandise is costly, a commission can be much more lucrative than a flat fee.

     GIVE DRIVING LESSONS. A private driving teacher is much more informal (cheaper, too) and less hurried than a commercial one. Spread the word that you're available at the convenience of the prospective customers. Charge rates that cover your car expenses and your time, too. Check whether you need a licends with your county clerk.

     ATHLETIC TEACHER. Do you have any athletic skill such as swimming, exercising, jogging (yes, it calls for a technique) or any sport/ Teach this skill to others right in your own home. Swimming will call for use of a public pool, though, and you may need to get an okay for this.

     In warm weather, bring a group of potential swimmers to a lake and teach them the basics. Other athletics such as exercising can be done at home, jogging can be done around the block. Just one day per week or month can give you a tidy sum.,,,


Truth in Thinking: ONE DAY A WEEK GIVES YOU 30 DAYS OF BIG PROFITS: " If you are looking for a one day a week income opportunity for a big profit, here are some suggestions. &nbs..."


     If you are looking for a one day a week income opportunity for a big profit, here are some suggestions.

     To begin with, you have to like people and want to work with and for them. Then you have to decide how much time you want to invest. You may want to work "One Day" or you may want to work a few days during the week.

     Or you may just want to work "One  Half  Day" per week. In either situation, you can plan your time so that you can have income for the rest of the month on this limited working day.

     TOOL SHARPENING AND GRINDING. You may need to buy or rent required equipment. Cost is suprisingly low. Contact any machine shops or any sources in your city or area that use tools.

Set up a schedule whereby you will sharpen and grind their tools on one agreed-upon day a month. Charge a flat fee per item. Arrange your "tool sharpening day" in advance so all will be ready.

     You may do it yourself (it's as simple as slicing an apple, with today's machines) or job it out. If you have ten companies giving you their tools and work just one day per week or month, you could earn enough income to satisfy you for the rest of the month.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Truth in Thinking: $100.00 or Less Money Making Opportunities

Truth in Thinking: $100.00 or Less Money Making Opportunities: " EXPORTING-IMPORTING. Financial newspapers as well as finicial sections of major newspapers (and magazines, to..."

$100.00 or Less Money Making Opportunities

     EXPORTING-IMPORTING.  Financial newspapers as well as finicial sections of major newspapers (and magazines, too) carry classified advertisements for "Merchandise Wanted" and 'merchandise For sale.' bring them together. Make arrangements with foreign companies who seek specific types of products. You can get a list of them from the United States Department of Commerce.
     You could even invest in a small advertisement in financial papers, offering your services as a commission-only importer and exporter. All you need is a table, telephone, typewriter...and time!!

     STUDENT RENTAL AGENT. Students at many universities want to live off campus. Find them living quarters. Begin by mailing letters to real estate agents saying that you have apartment-wanting students and will bring them in at no charge to the realtor. You charge your students a percentage of the rent. Check local laws to see what you are allowed to do. Also, send a form letter to all nearby universities and colleges and offer your services to find them apartments.

     SET UP A SCHOOL. This is not an institution of higher learning. It is a simple school that teaches skills such as sewing, cooking, reading, writing  languages, collecting, hobbies, flowers, housekeeping, painting, writing, voice, amateur dramatics, dancing, design.

     If you have any such skill, then you can teach it. Hold a class for a dozen or more students in your basement, garage or large living room. If textbooks are needed, buy them at wholesale and sell at retail for a little extra money. Charge a flat fee for as many lessons as are needed. Most people are interested in developing their talents and abilities so you will be offering a real service to the community.

     SPECIALIZED MESSENGER SERVICE. This is more unique than ordinary messenger services. That is, you offer a speciality. For example, offer to pick up x-rays and/or medical supplies for doctors. Do the same for lawyers, accountants who need messengers for their papers. There are floral shops, printers, restaurants, tailors, etc. who want a service that works solely in their field. You can hire students to do deliveries in their spare time. Your only investment is for a mailing or advertisment. No inventory. Work right out of your home.

     These are just a few more of the many income producing opportunities that are yours with an investment of time and little money.,,http// 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Make Money With $100.00 Or Less Investment

Truth in Thinking: Make Money With $100.00 Or Less Investment: "NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR. You need to know carpenters, electricians and other mechanics. Advertise in the papers or put signs in real estate ..."

Make Money With $100.00 Or Less Investment

NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR. You need to know carpenters, electricians and other mechanics. Advertise in the papers or put signs in real estate offices (give a commission, if requested) that you either build to order or make changes. Offer to do everything from "hanging a picture" to "creating an estate." People come to you. Discuss their needs, estimate the cost, add a markup. You then hire technicians and builders. Get them when they have spare time or when their season is dull and they will work for less than the going rate. Be sure you do not violate any local wage-labor laws. For small jobs, a local trade school can provide students who do the work at less cost for the experience.

RUG-UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. Many families need to clean upholstered furniture and rugs but do not want the trouble and expense of buying heavy cleaning equipment. You can rent such devices and either do the work yourself or hire others to do it for you. Insert ads in your local newspapers. Small stores, businesses or any locations having rugs and upholstery (including department stores, banks, professional buildings, senior citizens homes, etc.) can give you business. Store the equipment and cleaning materials in your closet or basement.,http//,,