Tell me about yourself. Share your childhood memories. Share what ever you feel comfortable sharing. Feel like a joke, I know I'd enjoy one, know any you'd like to share? Any way I am Linda G.. glad to meet you.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Fungus, Gophers,Persistent weeds. There are a few of the pests that drive me to my gardening books or horticulural Web sites. I admit,when my gardening goes smoothly, I seek the experts advice less frequently. When my efforts fail-then I look for help. I'd no doubt be a much better gardener if I studied my horticultural books more often. This is true. I have a good many books in my library, one for almost any subject. One one to live by. Linda G..144719>
Truth in Thinking