Monday, February 28, 2011

10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

          9.  With drawal from work, or social activities:
A person with Alzheimer's may start to remove themselves from hobbies, social activities, work projects, or sports.  They may have trouble keeping up with a favorite sports team or remembering how to complete a favorite hobbie.  They may also avoid being social because of the changes they have experienced.
                           What's a typical age-related change? 
Sometimes feeling weary of work, family and social obligations.

        10.  Changes in mood and personalities of people with Alzheimer's canchange.  They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful, or anxious.  They may be  upset at home, at work, with friends or in places where they are out of their comfort zone.
                            What's a typical age-related change?      
Developing very specific ways of doing things and becoming irritable when a routine is disrupted. 

10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

          7.  Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps:
A person with Alzheimer's disease may put things in unsual places.  They may lose things and be unable to go back over their steps to find them again.  Sometimes, they accuse others of stealing.  This mayoccur more frequently over time.
                                   What's a typical age-related change?
Misplacing things from time to time, such as a pair of glasses or the remote control.
           8.  Decreased or poor judgement:
People with Alzheimer's may experience changes in judgement or decision making. For example, they may use poor judgement when dealing with money, giving large amounts to telemarketers.  They may pay less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.
                                   What's a typical age-related change?
Making bad decision making once in awhile.       

10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

           5.  Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships:
For some people having visual problems is a sign of Alzheimer's.  They may have difficulity reading, judging didtance and determing color and contrast.  In terms of perception, they may pass a mirror and think someone else is in the room.  They may not realize they are the person in the mirror.
                            What's a typical age-related change?
Visual changes related to cataracts.
          6.  New problems with words in speaking or writing:
People with Alzheimer's may have trouble joining or following a conversastion.  They may stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue or they may repeat themselves.  They may struggle with vocabulary, have problems finding the right words or call things the wrong name (e.g. calling a watch a "hand-clock".)
                           What's a typical age-related change?   
Sometimes haveing trouble finding the right word.   

10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

          3.  Difficulity completing familiar tasks at home, work or at leisure:  People with Alzheimer's often find it hard to complete daily tasks.  Sometimes people may have trouble driving to a familar location, managing a budget at work or remembering the rules of a favorite game.
                            What's a typical age-related change?
Occasionally needing help to use the settings on the microwave or to record a television show.

          4.  Confusion with time or place:
People with Alzheimer's can lose track of dates, seasons and the passage of time.  They may have trouble understanding something if it's not happening immediately.  Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there.
                              What's a typical age-related change?  
Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later.

10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

          1.  Memory loss that disrupts life:
One of the most common signs of Alzheimer's is memory loss, espically forgetting recently learned information.   Others include forgetting important dates or events; asking for the information over and over; relying on the memory aides ( e.g. reminder notes, eletronic devices) or family membors for things they used to handle on their own.
                           What's a typical age-related change?
Sometimes forgetting names or appointments but remembering them later.
           2.  Challenges in planning or solving problems:
Some people may experience changes in their ability to develope and follow a plan or work with numbers.  THey may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills.  They may have difficulity concentrating and take much longer to do things they did before.
                           What's a typical age-related change?
Making occasional errors when balancing a check book.

Know the 10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

                   Know the 10 signs of Alzheimer's Disease

     Memory loss that disrupts daily life is not a typical  part of aging.  It maybe a symptom of Alzheimer's, a fatal Brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking, and reasoning skills.  Every individual may experience one or more of these signs in different degrees.  If you notice any of them, Please see a doctor.      

Friday, February 25, 2011

How to make home made Deep Hair Conditioner(s)

                                                   Tropical Hair Conditioner
1 avacado
1 can coconut milk
Mash avacado and add enough coconut milk to make thick like commercial conditioners.  Apply and allow to set 15 to 20 minutes, rinse well.

                                                    Deep Hair Conditioner
1/2 avacado
mash avacado, mix enough mayo. to make creamy like commercial hair conditioners. Apply to hair, wrap hair with plastic wrap and then a warm towel, leave on for 30 minutes. Wash hair twice to remove.  

Truth in Thinking: For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out

Truth in Thinking: For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out: "Tropical Conditioner and Deep Hair Conditioner. "

For a deep hair, hair condition, check these out

Tropical Conditioner and Deep Hair Conditioner. 

DIY Natural Home Made Hair Conditioners- Try all 3-Really Good FYH.

                                                                     Green Tea
  2 green tea bags                
  2 cups water

    Boil water, put in tea bags.  Allow to steep and cool, remove tea bags, pour mixture onto hair allow to sit 5 minutes.

                                                             Honey Conditioner

Mix equal parts of honey and water. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

                                                            Banana and Honey

1 ripe banana
1/2 cup honey
mash banana well, add honey mix well apply to damp hair, allow to set 20 minutes, rinse in warm water.

                                                              Egg Conditioner

1 avacado
1 egg yolk
mash avacado until creamy. Mix in egg yolk. Allow to sit on hair 15 minutes, rinse well.

** Tip:  After you wash your hair, pour Apple Cider Vinegar over it. Allow to sit a few minutes and rinse out.  This helps to bring out the shine in your hair.  

Truth in Thinking: Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipe...

Truth in Thinking: Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipe...: " Did yoy know that Green Tea makes an excellant hair conditioner? I have that recipe and 2 others PLUS a Tip. Just for YOU! You ..."

Now you can have all 3 DIY Hair Conditioner recipes-NOW!

  Did yoy know that Green Tea makes an excellant hair conditioner?  I have that recipe and 2 others PLUS a Tip. Just for YOU! You probably have the ingredients in your home now. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DIY Shampoo

                                                Home made Natural Shampoo
1.  Purchase soap flakes :  Ivory or Castille to name a couple.  The main thing is to make sure the soap is mild and gentle.  If you purchase a bar of soap you need to grate it, so you end up with 1/2 cup flakes.

2.  Put a pan on the stove and add water= 1 quart (Spring Water) for pure and natural shampoo.

3.  Get a bowl and put flakes in it.

4.  Boil water, pour over flakes.

5.  Add 1 teaspoon glyercine.

6.  Stir.  The flakes will dissolve, cover and allow to cool.

7.  Add other ingredients,  if you wish to have a certain scent , you can add essential oils, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Orange.  Add 2 to 3 drops of oil once soap mixture is cool.

8.  Store shampoo in a plastic container with a lid.

9.  Wash hair. Remember it may not lather like commercial shampoos, but that doesn't mean it isn't working.

Truth in Thinking: DIY Shampoo

Truth in Thinking: DIY Shampoo: " &n..."

DIY Shampoo

                                                    Make your own Shampoo
  Everyone enjoys clean, healthy looking hair.  But what about those prices? Try this recipe, and enjoy  healthy, clean hair and you get all of the credit.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Make a deodorant crystal for a room

Truth in Thinking: Make a deodorant crystal for a room: " &n..."

Make a deodorant crystal for a room

                                             DIY Deodorant Crystal
1.  Add 1 cup hot water into a clean sterilized jar.  Stir in 2 ounces of alum powder until it dissolves.
2.  Place 1/4 of the solution into a shallow bowl.  Add 1 tablespoon of alum powder to the solution in the jar.  Cover jar with a cloth, and place it in a dry and warm area.  Allow the bowl to set over night.
3.  Inspect the dish the next day.  Small crystals will have formed.  Choose the largest crystal from the shallow bowl.
4.  Tie fishing line around the large crystal.  Tie the other end of the fishing line to the middle of a ruler.  The fishing line needs to be long enough to submerge in the jar full of alum powder liquid.
5.  Lay the ruler over the top of the jar.  Place the crystal into the alum liquid.  It will need to be suspended and covered in the liquid.  Do not allow the crystal to touch any part of the jar.
6.  Place the jar back into a warm, dry place.  You do not need to keep it covered this time.  The crystal will reach its full size after 2 weeks.  Check the crystal perodically and if other crystals begin to form on the sides of the jar, you will need to transfer the liquid into a new jar. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Homemade Sage Mouth Wash

                                                             Sage Mouth Wash.

     This Mouth Wash has wonderful antiseptic properties it will help to sweeten your breath and cure mouth sores and ulcers.

        3 1/2  full ounces Sherry
        3 1/3 full ounces Vodka
        1 tablespoon dried sage leaves
        1 tablespoon dried thyme leaves
        2 teaspoons glycern
        10 drops peppermint essential oil
        5 drops of tea tree essential oil
Mix all of your ingredients in a well sealed jar.  You will also need to allow this mixture to steep for a week or so, shaking jar frequently.  After the mixture is done steeping, strain through a fine colander or cheese cloth.  Add about 1 teaspoon of the mixture to about 1/2 cup of water.  Swish through mouth and rinse.  Never swallow the mixture.

         If mixing up mouth wash is not for you, you can also fix yourself a very quick and easy mouthwash. Simply add about 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar to about 1/2 cup of water. Swish through your mouth and rinse.                

Homemade Mouth Wash

     These recipes are great for helping to sweeten your breath and keep your mouth and gums healthy.

                                                    Mint and Honey Mouth wash.

     1)  This mouth wash works great to freshen breath and help heal mouth ulcers and sores.
            1/2 cup brandy/sherry mixed
            1 tablespoon cider vinegar
            1 teaspoon runny honey
            1 tablespoon dried and finely crushed peppermint leaves
            1 tablespoon dried and finely crushed sage leaves
            10 drops tincture of myrrh
     This recipe takes a little while to make.  Mix all of your ingredients in a well sealed jar.  Allow the mixture to steep for about a week, shaking the jar frequently.  After a week, strain the mixture through a colander or cheese cloth.  Add about 1 teaspoon of this to 1/4 cup of water to rinse mouth.  Don't use mixture only by itself, you should always add it to water. Never swallow the mixture. 


Truth in Thinking: Homemade Mouth Wash

Truth in Thinking: Homemade Mouth Wash: "These recipes are great for helping to sweeten your breath and keep your mouth and gums healthy."

Homemade Mouth Wash

These recipes are great for helping to sweeten your breath and keep your mouth and gums healthy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Make your own Deodorant

   1)  Baking soda and corn starch 1 to 1 ratio, usually about 1/2 cup each.  Add several drops lavender oil or another oil. The oil being the fragrance.  Mix well.  To apply sprinkle some on a damp cloth.  Baking soda neutralizes the odor while corn starch will absorb dampness.  Baking soda can sometimes cause skin irration so if you have this prpblem increase the amount of corn starch and decrease the amount of baking soda.

   2)  Spray-on- deodorant.  Mix 1/2 cup witch hazel extract 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel, and 1/2 cup of mineral water.  Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin and several drops of tea tree oil.  Mix well and store in a spray bottle.  Witch Hazel reduces odor, aloe vera smooths skin, tea tree oil will prevent odor-causing bacteria.

   3)  Apple Cider Vinegar makes a good deodorant (not anti-perspirant.)  Although it has a strong smell, vinegar is very effective at eliminating odors.  Pour some apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and apply.  Once it drys the odor should be gone.  

What you should know about commercial antiperspirants

     Most commercial anti-perspirants contain laboratory engineered Aluminum and Silver compounds, plus a whole bunch of artificial fragrances that are Toxic!

     1)  Use a neutral body lotion like plain aqua's cream or your own homemade body lotion.  Pour 50ml. (1.75oz.)  lotion into an empty container.

     2)  Add 5 to 6 pinches ground rock (crystal) salt into the lotion in the roll-on holder.  It has to be rock salt, not normal table salt.  Rock salt is normally known as Polish or Himalayn Crystal Salt and is available in holistic shops and health shops (where they still sell seeds and raw bran.)

     3)  Close the roll-on container and shake it a bit so the lotion and salt can mix.

     4)  Leave it to stand over night so the salt can dissolve into the lotion.

     5)  Shake it once or twice before each application and apply as you would with normal anti-perspirant. 

Truth in Thinking: What you should know about commercial antiperspira...

Truth in Thinking: What you should know about commercial antiperspira...: "Most Commercial anti-perspirants contain laboratory engineered Aluminum and Silver Compounds, plus a whole bunch of artificial fragrances th..."

What you should know about commercial antiperspirants

Most Commercial anti-perspirants contain laboratory engineered Aluminum and Silver Compounds, plus a whole bunch of artificial fragrances that are toxic.  If you want to know how to make your own safe effective anti-perspirant and deodorant I have everything posted at    Thanks, Linda G..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Make your own homemade toothpaste and/or Mouth wash

Why put all of those chemicals into your body? Until science finds out what causes Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinsons, Huntinton's and other Dementia Diseases make your own stuff.  You probably have the ingredients in your pantry right now.

1)  There are many different kinds of abrasives that can be used.  Calcium Carbonate, finely ground pumice, bicarbonate of soda, and finely ground salt are all forms of abrasives that can be used in a toothpaste.  It is very important to note that abrasives should be as finely ground as posible before using.  Harsh abrasives can scratch and damage tooth enamel and should be avoided.

2)  Sage Toothpaste:

      1/4 cup finely ground sea salt
      1/2 cup bicarconate of soda
      1    tablespoon dried sage leaves, ground fine
      10  drops tincture of myrth or spearmint
   Mix all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl.  Add one drop of tincture at a time, stirring to prevent any caking.  Store your powder in an air-tight container.

3)  Cinnamon Tooth powder

       1 cup bicarbonate of soda
       2  tablespoons ground sea salt
       1  tablespoon dried lemon peel, ground until powdered.
       1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    Mix all of your ingredients until blended thoroughly.  Store in air tight container.      

Truth in Thinking: You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or ...

Truth in Thinking: You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or ...: "Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste contains anti-freeze? according to PBS. But now you can break free of the High prices of to..."

You can make your own- Healthier Toothpast and/or Mouth wash

Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste contains anti-freeze? according to PBS.  But now you can break free of the High prices of  toothpaste and/or mouth wash.  For ingredients and instructions on making your own join me at   Linda G.  P.S. I would like to know what you are thinking, contact me at

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Truth in Thinking: How to substitute Baking Powder in Recipes

Truth in Thinking: How to substitute Baking Powder in Recipes: " How to Substitute Baking Powder in R..."

How to substitute Baking Powder in Recipes

                   How to Substitute Baking Powder in Recipes.

     1)  Note the amount of baking powder called for in your recipe, and measure "half" that amount of baking soda.  Add the baking soda to your dry ingredients, and sift as usual.

     2)  How much liquid does the recipe call for?  Add one more (1) teaspoon of vinegar directly to the mile and let it make "buttermilk" before mixing all together.  This seems to make moister bread or pancakes.

    3)  Mix the dry and wet ingredients together throughly, and let stand for a minute before baking or cooking.

    4)  Bke or cook according to the ret of the recipe instructions.  This is such a simple way to cook healthier foods!  Baking soda and vinegar are healthy alternatives to baking powder, which usually contains Aluminum.      


Monday, February 14, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Homemade--Natural Body Wash

Truth in Thinking: Homemade--Natural Body Wash: " If you are looking for an Earth-and-Budget friendly body wash that uses natural ingredients, your best bet is ..."

Homemade--Natural Body Wash

     If you are looking for an Earth-and-Budget friendly body wash that uses natural ingredients, your best bet is to whip up your own batch at home.  Body wash is essentially just liquid soap.  To create a natural, homemade body wash, all you need is some sort of soap or soap you can turn into a liquid.
     However, the cheapest, easiest and most effective choice is Castile soap.  Traditional Castile soap is created from olive oil and comes in flake, bar, or liquid form.  Using olive oil means the soap is both natural and moisturizing, making it perfect for natural, homemade body wash.  You can use a variety of oils and butters to increase the moisturizing properties of your body wash.
     You can use cocoa butter, shea butter, avacado oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil.  You can use natural essential oils to add the perfect scent, as long as you make sure any essential oils you add are safe for skin use.  Natural vegetable-based food coloring can be used to add a little color to you own recipe.
      For an easy and lightly scented body wash, stir together 1 cup liquid Castile soap, 3 tablespoon coconut oil, 5 drops lavender essential oil, 3 drops rose essential oil in a small bowl.  Mix well and pour into a clean, plastic container. Shake well before each use.  You can alter the type of oil or essential oil in the recipe to suit your needs.  For example, instead of 3 tablespoons coconut oil, use 3 tablespoons almond oil.  Instead of 5 drops lavender and 3 drops rose essential oil, try 4 drops sandlewood and 4 drops vanilla essential oil.

Container, your best choice is plastic.  Glass, wood,or stone are not appropriate choices they are much too fragile or water prone containers. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Third Stage--Alzheimer's Disease

                                             Severe Alzheimer's Disease
     In the advanced stage if Alzheimer's disease damage to the brain's nerve cells is wide spread.  At this point full-time care is typically required.  For friends, family and alzheimer's caregivers this can be the most difficult stage.  People with severe Alzheimer's disease may have difficulty walking and they may often suffer from complications from other illnesses, such as pneumonia.

     Signs of severe alzheimer's disease may include:

               1)   Vocalizations such as groaning, screaming, mumbling or speaking gibberish.
               2)    Behavorial symptoms
                      * refuses to eat out of fear of (choking)
                      * inapproiately cries out when they realize they are alone
      Failure to recognize family or faces
      Difficulty with all essential activities of  daily living.


Second Stage-- Alzeheimer's Disease

                                                Moderate Alzheimer's Disease

     In moderate Alzheimer's disease, the damaging processes occuring in the brain worsen and spread to other areas that control language, reasoning, sensory processing, and thought in this stage symptoms and signs of Alzheimer's sisease becomes more pronounced and behaviorial problems may become more obvious.  Signs and symptoms of moderate alzheimer's disease may include:

       1)   Forgetting old facts:
                 * continnually repeats old stories and/or asks the same questions over and over
                  * makes up stories when they can't remember

       2)   Difficulty preforming tasks:
                 *followingwritten notes
                 * using the shower and toilet
         3)  Common behavioral symptoms:           
                 * restlessness, repetitive movements
                 * wondering around confused
                 * paranoia, delusions, hallucinations
In my experience they see people from their past that have passed on.

         4)  Falls short in intellect and reasoning
         5)  lack of concern for appearance, hygiene and sleeps a great deal more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

8.  Decreased or poor judgement :  People with Alzheimer's disease may experience changes in judgement or decision making.  For example, they may use poor judgement when dealing with money, giving the incorrect amount to pay a bill.  They pay less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.

               What is a normal age related change?

Bad decision making once in awhile.

9.  Withdrawl from work or social activittes:  a person with Alzheimer's disease may start to remove themselves from hobbies, social activities, work projects or sports.  They may have trouble keeping up with a favorite sport team or remembering how to complete a favorite hobbie.  They may also avoid being  social , they may go inside and remain there for long periods of time.

               What is a normal age related change?

10.  Changes in mood and personality :  The mood and personality of people with Alzheimer's disease can change.  They become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. They may be easily up set.

                 What is a normal age related change?

Developing very specific ways of doing things and becoming irritated when routine is disrupted.

Alzheimer's Disease stages

6.  New problems using words when speaking or writing:  people with alzheimer's disease may have trouble joining or following a conversation. They may stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue or they may repeat themselves.  They may struggle with vocabulary, have problems finding thr right words or call things the wrong name, such as calling a refigerator a "ice box."

            What is a normal age related change?

Sometimes having trouble finding the right word.

7.  Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps:  A person with Alzheimer's may put things in unsual places. They may lose things and be unable to go back over their steps to find them again. Sometimes, they accuse others of stealing. 

              What is a normal age related change?

Misplacing things from time to time, such as a pair of glasses or their favorite pair of house shoes.

Alzheimer's Disease

1.   Memory loss that disrupts life:

One of the most common signs of Alzheimer's is memory loss, especially forgetting recently learned information.  Others include forgetting important dates or events; asking for the information over and over.  Or asking family members for things they used to handle on their own.
       What is a normal age related change?

Sometimes forgetting names or appointments but remembering later.

2.  Challenges in planning or salving problems:

Some people may experience changes in their ability to develope and follow a plan or work with puzzles.  They may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills.  They may have difficulty concentrating and take much longer to do things they did before.
        What is a normal age related change?

Making occasional errors when balancing a check book.

3.  Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, work or leisure.  People with Alzheimer's Disease often find it hard to complete daily tasks.  Sometimes Alzheimer's patients may have trouble driving to a familiar location, managing a budget or remembering the rules of a favorite game.

         What is a normal age related change?

Occasionally needing help to use the settings on a microwave or to record a television program.

4.  Confusion with time or place:  People with Alzheimer's can lose track of dates, seasons and the passages of time. They may have trouble understanding something if it is not happening immediately.  Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there.

          What is a normal age related change?

Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later.

5.  Trouble understanding visual images:  for some people having visual problems is a sign of Alzheimer's Disease.  They have difficulity reading, judging distance and determinig color, contrast or perception.

            What is a normal age related change?

Visual changes related to cataracts.


The three stages of Alzheimer's Disease

                                                 Mild, the beginning stage
     Mild Alzheimer's Disease is the beginning stage.  People with mild alzheimer's disease often seem healthy, but they are actually having trouble making sense of the world around them.  It takes time for an observer (someone that is around or knows the Alzheimer's victum better than anyone else) to realize that something is wrong because the initial symptoms are often confused with the changes that take place in normal aging.  Symptoms and early signs of Alzheimer's Disease may include:
          *  Difficulty learning and remembering new information.
           *  Difficulty managing finances, planning meals, and taking medications on schedule.

           *  Depression symptoms/ sadness, decreased interest in usual activities, and loss of

           *  Difficulty with some activities such as, driving a automobile.

            *  Gets lost in familiar places.

     Memory loss that disrupts daily life is not typical part of aging.  It maybe a symptom of alzheimer's, a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.  Every individual may experience  one or more of these signs in different degrees.  If you notice any of them please see a doctor.                           


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Truth in Thinking: Oxygen, Silicon,and Alumiun...WHERE ???

Truth in Thinking: Oxygen, Silicon,and Alumiun...WHERE ???: " &n..."

Oxygen, Silicon,and Alumiun...WHERE ???

                                                Oxygen,Silicon,and Aluminum ...WHERE?
     After noticing the increasing number of people in my life that have/had Alzheimer's Disease, I began going through my notes of days gone by.  After working in a couple of nursing homes and later in private care, I couldn't help but to notice similarities between Alzheimer's patients the lives they had led, and the lives of most people.
     There are three denominators common to all of us.  Oxygen, Silicon, and Aluminum in our fresh water supply.  Floride (fluorine) is added to fresh water,and it can not be absorbed without a conducter.
      Aluminum is the conductor.  Floride attaches to aluminum, flows through the bloodstream and travels to various parts in the body, eventually gets into the brain.
     Floride is impossible to remove from water. Osmosis can't even get it out. Aluminum is put in our toothpaste, baking powder, shampoos the list just keeps going on.
     In the brain we have cells called "Microglia."  Microglia act as little "vacuum cleaners" they clear away harmful proteins and debris that would otherwise gunk up the brain.  As we age microglia don't work as well, which leads to memory loss.
     Alzheimer's disease is not typical aging, for example, misplacing something or forgetting an apointment.  It is the inability to retract ones steps to correct the memory loss. Alzheimer's may begin 10 to 20 years before any visible signs or symptoms. 
     There are 6.4 million people suffering from this progressive, degenerative and eventually fatal disease and
by the year 2050 scienctists predict that 14 million people will have Alzheimer's Disease.    
     There are things you can do to protect yourself now: Read product ingredients, Filter water, Learn to replace some products with your own homemade.
      Alzheimer's is a cruel disease that can attack anyone. Linda G..